
Strategic Planning & Culture

Mission, vision, values, and objectives are not just buzz words. They lay the foundation that guides your organization forward. This is where your journey begins. 

  • Strategy Formulation, Development, Implementation, & Evaluation
  • Environmental Scanning (PESTLE Analysis) 
  • SWOT Analysis 
  • Setting Organizational Goals/Objectives
  • Key Performance Indicators 

Talent Acquisition

The right people will always be your greatest asset. Together we can develop a recruitment and onboarding experience that attracts top talent and enhances your employment brand. 

  • Employment Branding 
  • Sourcing & Recruiting 
  • Onboarding 
  • Job Analysis/Descriptions  
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Integration

Employee Engagement & Retention

A successful relationship must be continually invested in. The same is true for employees. Learn how to energize your workforce and retain top talent for years to come. 

  • Cultural Development 
  • Effective Communication Methods
  • Recognition & Rewards
  • Employee Development 
  • Realistic Job Preview 

Learning & Development

Personal and professional growth happen best when planned. Identifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to accomplish long term developmental goals that align with the employee and the organization is critical to reaching your full potential. Together we can create and deliver content that supports employees in achieving their desired career paths, which will simultaneously strengthen your organization as well. 

  • Organizational Learning Techniques 
  • Career Development
  • Training Program & Content Design   

Total Rewards

Consider total rewards the function of your organization that directly cares for the wellbeing of employees and their family members. Designing and implementing competitive compensation systems linked to position and performance and offering generous benefit packages will not only ensure government compliance but boost employee retention. 

  • Compensation Strategy, Structure, & System Alignment
  • Benefit Selection & Implementation

Organizational Effectiveness & Development

Discover how to enhance the performance of your organization through planned interventions that remove internal obstacles, ignite necessary change initiatives, and promote productive group dynamics. Implementing the appropriate structure for the organization and measuring the effectiveness of processes and people is crucial to achieving strategic success. 

  • Structure of the HR Function
  • OED Interventions  
  • Change Management 
  • Team Building 

Employee Relations

The employment relationship is a cornerstone of every organization’s success. Employers who maintain a positive relationship with their employees will thrive, employers who do not will face the many challenges that come with employee turnover. This relationship is influenced by several factors such as cultural, economic, legal, ethical, and industrial. Developing workplace policies and procedures to include employee agreements, handbooks, and codes of conduct will be vital in setting expectations and determining responsibilities. Utilizing these tools will assist with resolving conflicts and complaints, preventing retaliation, and counseling employees. 

  • Conflict Management & Dispute Resolution 
  • Policy Development (Handbooks/Agreements/Codes of Conduct) 
  • Workplace Investigations

HR Technology

The right technology will strengthen your organization by empowering your employees and managers to perform people-based transactions. Selecting a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) that supports effective delivery of HR services, developing standards and policies on the use of technology in the workplace, and leveraging technology to collect, assess, and analyze data for the creation of information based solutions are key to maximizing performance. 

  • HRIS Implementation & Utilization 
  • Data Analytics 
  • Workplace Technology Policies  

Leadership Development

Leadership is an experience that happens when a person or group of people decide to move beyond the status quo regardless of their circumstances in order to improve their own life and the lives of others. This competency is the culmination of all other competencies and will be the key differentiator in elevating your organization. Start and or continue the lifelong process of developing transformational leaders today! 

  • Character & Competency Assessment
  • Emotional Intelligence 
  • Developmental Program Design & Selection

Corporate Social Responsibility

Organizations impact society in various ways. Gain further insight on how ethics and standards guide the contributions you make to the economy, environment, and local communities in which you operate. Learn how these contributions boost employee morale, strengthen stakeholder confidence, and build a trustworthy brand. 

  • Employer Branding
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO 26000) Benchmarking

Coaching & Mentorship

How we approach the professional, financial, relational, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of life determine our past, present, and future. Discover your purpose and learn how to thrive in each aspect of life. 

  • Personal & Professional Transformation
  • Principle Based Practices  
  • The Reward of Self-Discipline 

Speaking Engagements

Let’s talk! By talk I mean encourage and challenge one another. Together we can inspire our organizations, our teams, and ourselves to reach new heights and deliver exceptional results. Topics worth discussing include, but are not limited to: 

  • The Experience Effect
    •  How Personal and Organizational Transformation Leads to Exceptional Employee and Customer Experiences
  • Journey Mapping
    •  Understand how employees and customers experience your organization, products, and services. Identify experience gaps, enhance organizational culture and customer service, and deliver the experience your employees and customers are seeking.